Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Vroom Vroom

Last Saturday Jason and I took the kids to a big truck show here in town. It was held at a local high school and they brought in all kinds of trucks and vehicles for the kids to look at and even climb on.

We started out the morning with breakfast at Denny's. That was a real treat because we normally can't get out the door early enough to eat out for breakfast.

Then we met some friends at the truck show and the kids all had a blast. It surprised me how much Tressa liked it since the other day she told Corbin (who was pointing out every car he saw on the way to the grocery store) "Corbin, I don't like cars. I only like princesses!" Well, it turns out she does like cars! She loved climbing up in the semi, exploring the ambulance, checking out a book from the library on wheels, getting free ice cream from the ice cream truck and she even turned the siren on in the police car.

Corbin on the other hand got a little nervous seeing the trucks up so close. He still loved pointing them out to me. He'd say "wee ooo wee ooo" for any vehicle with flashing lights, "haw haw" for big trucks with horns, and "weeeeee" for just about any other vehicle. But every time I asked him if he wanted to climb into one he'd cling to me and say "no".

The highlight for both of them was probably the school bus ride.

As the truck show was winding down we let the kids eat their ice cream and play on the playground. Then we took them home for nice LONG naps!

Monday, April 28, 2008

My First Post!

I actually set this blog up over a week ago and hadn't touched it again until tonight. Why? Because I was a little overwhelmed by it all. I kept thinking about how I wanted to set it up, who was going to read it, what to write about (based on who's going to read it), whether to try to back track and blog past events, how to make it perfect, etc., etc., etc. I came to the conclusion that I can't make it perfect because I don't know what I'm doing. I'm going to be learning as I go. I also decided to start with current events (not try to recreate the past) because I have a horrible memory anyway. That's why I need to blog! But, if I do occasionally think of something significant from the past I'm going to blog that too. Finally, I've chosen not to worry about who is reading this, otherwise I'll be constantly overthinking things and may not write about what I really want to. With that said....let the blogging begin!