Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's a Boy!

Okay, so I was wrong again! I really thought this one was going to be a girl, so I was skeptical at 18 weeks when my doctor said "I think it's a boy." But I had another ultrasound Friday at 20 weeks and it was pretty clear. So Corbin's going to have a little buddy to run around with...a partner in crime...oh dear what am I in for?! Hopefully Tressa can help me keep them under control. Us girls are going to have to stick together.



little legs

boy parts

We can't wait to meet the little guy!

Day Out with Thomas

Corbin is really into Thomas the Tank Engine right now. Tressa likes it too, but sometimes denies it because she thinks it's for boys. Actually, Tressa was the one who found an ad in a children's magazine for "Day Out with Thomas" and asked if we could go. I looked online and found the dates and the nearest location and we decided to go. The kids were so excited! They looked forward to it and talked about it constantly for weeks. Corbin kept saying "Ride choo choo? Ride choo choo?" Finally the big day arrived and the kids were in heaven.

They got to play on the playground, tour an old train, hear some Thomas stories, play miniture golf, watch the model trains, play on the jupiter jump, meet Sir Topham Hatt, play with the toy trains and of coarse ride the Thomas train. They even got Thomas tatoos and balloons at the end. Don't you wish you were a kid again?

I love how she's standing in this little ballerina.

I think I know what to get this boy for Christmas! He would have played all day if we'd let him.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

State Fair 2008

I love this time of year because there are so many fun things to do with the family. Jason and I took the kids to the fair a couple weeks ago. Here are a few pictures of the fun time we had.

"Just for Kids" building...

"On the Farm" exhibit...

Petting Zoo...


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Big Boy Bed

A friend of mine was getting rid of her daughter's toddler bed and asked if we wanted it. I figured it might be a good idea to get Corbin out of the crib soon so that by the time the new baby comes he doesn't still think the crib is his. Plus, he was starting to climb in and out of his crib (making it not so safe anymore). I'm one of those people who doesn't function well without sleep, so I was hoping this whole transition would be smooth. I tried to make it as exciting and appealing as possible for Corbin. I took him to Wal-Mart and let him pick out his bedding. He was so excited about getting to choose and quickly attached himself (literally) to the Thomas bedding. He wouldn't let anyone else hold the package all the way through the store, all the way home, and all the way up the three flights of stairs to our apartment. He was hugging it and smiling the whole cute! Tressa was being really sweet and excited about it too. She wasn't jealous at all, she was just excited for him. "Corbin, you get to have a big boy bed! Isn't that exciting?" "Corbin, I love your new choo-choo bed!" We also rearranged his room a little and moved his lamp down where he can reach it...which was thrilling for him. I don't even know how many times he turned it on and off that day. Once the bedding was on he and Tressa spent the next few hours playing on it and snuggling.

Basically he LOVED his new bed.....until it was time to sleep in it! Those first few nights were pretty rough. He didn't want me to leave him alone in there and he kept trying to come out of his room. After a few days he learned the rules "No out...stay in....Mommy happy" and he's been doing great ever since. He's pretty proud of himself and he loves being a big boy. Way to go Corbin!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

It's a Guy Thing

Guy Thing #1:

Corbin has always been fascinated with things that have wheels. I remember when he was just a few months old he would knock down Tressa's baby stroller and start spinning the wheels. He's all about trucks, cars, trains and airplanes lately. I can hardly keep up with him when we are on the road together. He's always pointing out different kids of vehicles and he gets upset if I don't acknowledge that I saw it too. It's difficult because not only do I have to keep an eye out for interesting vehicles, but I also have to decode his word(s) for them. For example, a cement mixer is a "round and round" and a school bus is a "schoo but." He's pretty good with "truck, like Daddy's", "plane...daddy in?", "dum truck", "S oooo V", "bike", "helcopper" and "trattor", but he still says "wee ooo wee ooo" for anything with lights/sirens, and "wee" for car. He also likes feeling the breeze and hearing the traffic noise. Almost every time we get in the car he says "Peas Mommy, window down?"

Here are couple pictures of him on a tractor at the zoo. We went to members night and they had a farming exhibit. He was having a rough time that day and sitting on that tractor totally cheered him up. He was pushing all the buttons and pretending to drive it...he even made the lights go off and on. He was so proud of himself.

Guy Thing #2:

Can you believe my 2 year old is already watching sports on TV? If you know Jason very well you believe it. Almost every evening Corbin can be found curling up on the couch with Daddy right before bedtime to sneak in a little football or baseball. He loves balls and sports, but I think he likes the time with Daddy best. Here they are assuming the position.

Soccer Chick

Tressa signed up for soccer this year with a few of her friends from church. We weren't sure how this would all pan out because Tressa is a bit of a girly girl, but at the same time she's pretty athletic. Lately she's really shown a competitive side too...if you don't believe me try playing Candy Land or Memory Game with her. She hates to lose. Everyone in my family is sitting there thinking...hmmm this sounds familiar! I was the same way as a child. My siblings stopped wanting to play games with me because I always had to win. Anyway, Tressa is really loving soccer. She is definitely not the most aggressive kid out there. The girly girl side of her is not going to risk get trampled by the pack just to get one kick at the ball. But she's a pretty good runner and has no problem keeping up. She understands the game pretty well for a 3 year old and keeps herself near the action most of the game. She also loves being outside and I think she feels special that we all come to watch her play. She is always so proud of herself after practice and games. I'm proud of her too for trying something new and doing her best.

Kicking a goal

Isn't she cute in her soccer gear?

Hanging out with soccer buds Riley and Jack. (Chase was sick that day or he would have been right there too).