Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wubby (Blankie)

Many of you may know that Corbin has a special blankie that he calls "Wubby". He's had it since he was a baby and he's pretty attached to it. We have one spare Wubby that we got as a result of a meltdown in the baby aisle at Target one day when he saw a blankie identical to his on the rack. He really thought it was his and wouldn't leave the store without it. He likes both blankies and he sleeps with both (so I guess it doesn't really do any good to have a spare), but the funny thing is that he can tell them apart and he really prefers the original Wubby.

I usually try to be pretty sly about washing his blankie so that he doesn't really know that it's gone, but I forget how well he understands me now and I made the mistake of telling Tressa that I needed her to get out of bed so that I could wash her and Corbin's sheets. Corbin was standing right next to me when I said that. He looked up at me in panic clutching his blanket and said "Wubby?" I replied, "Yes Corbin, Mommy will need to wash your Wubby too." Huge crocodile tears suddenly formed in those big brown eyes and his little lips turned down in a really sad frown. It wasn't like a tantrum or anything, he was genuinely mourning the temporary loss of his blankie. He was crying so hard that I felt really bad. I started showing him the stains on his blankie and told him that his blankie really was very dirty, but that I wouldn't wash it if he didn't want me to. I tried to tell him how nice it would be to have a soft, warm, clean wubby to sleep with that night. He just kept sobbing. I went about my business getting the sheets off the beds and started loading them in the washer. I figured I'd just have to wash his blankie another day. When I came back down the hallway with more sheets to load he was up on his tippy toes tossing his blankie in the washer, trying to stop crying. It was so dang cute! I gave him a big hug and told him he made a good choice. He started to calm down a bit and kept saying "keen wubby".

Later that day I went to check on the sheets to see if they were dry yet. He followed me to the dryer and waited. When he saw his blankies he sighed in relief, snatched them up and took off. After I finished making the beds I found him on the couch snuggling with both wubbies...happy as a clam.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Corbin!

I can't believe my little guy is already 2 years old. Happy Birthday Bubba!

We spent most of the day on Saturday celebrating with him. In the morning we took the kids to one of those playgrounds will all the inflatable slides and such. He is very active and loves jumping, running and playing ball so he was in heaven at this place!

The rest of us had fun too!

After lunch and nap time he opened his presents. I had them all set out with a bouquet of balloons in the middle of the living room to surprise him when he woke up. He was SO cute and shy when he came out. He had this look on his face like "is all this for ME?!" What a sweetie!

For dinner we took him to Incredible Pizza (a lot like Chuck E Cheese for those of you who aren't Okies). He snarfed down his pizza and had a blast riding the rides and playing games.

Enjoying his "woo beer"....

Riding the "too too"....

Afterward we unveiled his car cake, which he was very excited about, and sang to him.

He kept snitching the frosting while we were singing, it was so cute. I'd have to say my favorite part of his birthday this year was hearing him tell me how old he is. He'd stick all five fingers out and say "Doo"!

I can't believe how fast he's grown! Here's a picture of Corbin on his blessing date (about 2 moths old). I wanted to put a newborn picture up, but I don't have them on my computer and couldn't figure out how to post one from my shutterfly account...ughh...maybe I can figure it out and update this later.)

Here he is on his first birthday.

And here's my handsome boy today!

Love you Corbin!